Deana - Offline
The Essentials
Last Seen: Sep. 16, 2024
Joined: May 18, 2006
Age: 67
Gender: Crossdresser
Location: US
Relationship Status: Single
Interested In: Crossdresser ,T(M2F)
HIV Status: Negative
Race/Ethnicity: White
About Me
I had my first experience with crossdressing when I was in my teens.

I had a "boy friend" when I was 13 who used to bring a bag of his sister's things when he would come over to visit. Bras, panties, slips, pantyhose and cute little dresses.

We would dress up and lay in bed and hold each other and make out. I loved it. Lasted about a year and they moved out of the area and I never saw or heard from him again.

I love the feeling of sliding a sexy pair of smooth silky panties on and then posing for myself in the mirror.

I luv the feel of sliding on a pair of pantyhose, and the way my little panties show thru my pantyhose.

Just incredibly happy to be able to participate in this wonderful (Choose one): Lifestyle, Hobby, Quirk, or Folly.
I love heels and makeup and wigs and earrings and necklaces and false eyelashes and eyeliner and bras and pantyhose and get the idea.

Just someone who loves womens clothing. Especially when I'm wearing them, and the heavenly feeling that comes with that.
For those of you that dress you know what I mean!

Activities: Dressing up, either a little or alot and all points in between.

Love to Admire too !
Sincere & Discrete !


E-Mail Address is
Education & Work
Education: YES !
Employer: NO !
College/University: NO !
Religion: Catholic
“How do you make holy water? You boil the hell out of it.”
Favorite Quotes: "If you could live one year in another woman’s shoes, who would you choose and why?"

“honey that is not your first time in heels , you are better in them than most girls.

It's ironic ... I finally found a group of guys I fit in with. Funny how they all enjoy being one of the girls.

Next Time I Have A Daughter. . . . . . I Hope It's A Boy !!!

I’m very well acquainted with reality. I just don’t choose to live there all the time
Arts & Entertainment
Books: YES
Movies: YES !
Television: YES !
Music: YES !
Games: NO !
Favortie Sports: NONE !
Favorite Teams: NONE !
Favorite Athletes: NONE !
Activites & Interests
Activities: SEE ABOVE !