KimTS - Offline
The Essentials
Last Seen: Nov. 25, 2021
Joined: Aug 29, 2004
Age: 63
Gender: T(M2F)
Location: San Diego, CA, US
About Me
Hi! My name is Kim and I love to correspond with others who have an interest in feminine beauty, gender illusion, and related subjects. My goal is to look like the genetic girls in the JJill or Sundance catalogs, so I keep myself as realistically feminine as possible. I go out as Kim very often and delight in being a woman, with all that it entails! My height is about 5-7 and I weigh about 145 lbs. In general, I am more of a daytime mall chick rather than a nighttime party girl. Other interests: I'm like the Energizer Bunny with regard to exercise!

I am very grateful for the nice comments I receive, and a compliment from anyone (guys too!) is appreciated. Nearly all of my photos are un-retouched. The vast majority have not been modified, airbrushed, or otherwise changed in any way.

MISS KIM'S FAVORITE WEBSITES:,, and Remember that, um...I mean the spice of life. :-)
TURN ONS: Politeness, gentleness, intellect, and those seeking lasting friendships.
TURN OFFS: Shallowness of character, and any sort of rough treatment.

Thank you for visiting my profile, and wherever you are, I hope your day is a happy and productive one. 'What I do today is important, because I am exchanging a day of my life for it.'

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