667 Member Blogs

Weight Updates

Posted: Apr 09, 2012
Update, I've been hovering at 170 last few weeks.  I notice definite loss of tummy fat, and an increased lightness of being.  I feel better about myself.  Someone asked about my BMI; I had to look up that's it's Body Mass Indicator - a s...Read More

Random music post

Posted: Apr 07, 2012
I've, for a very long time, studied and transcribed, basically, straight ahead jazz saxophonists, like Sonny Stitt and Coltrane.  I've been trying to listen outside my "box" for a few years.  Thought this was beautiful.   http://www...Read More

New Purse

Posted: Apr 07, 2012
Still on my quest to go out fully dressed, bought a new purse the other day thinking I need all the accessories to pull this off!  Now I just need a few more 'casual' outfits and I'll be set.  Still need to find the time to work on my make-up...Read More

Haven't Been Logging In

Posted: Mar 31, 2012
Busy taking pills and massaging to get my breasts growing again. I hope to add another inch to my bust and that will hit my genetic limit. I'll go bra and wig shopping in May and post some new pictures.Read More


Posted: Mar 31, 2012
Ocasionally girls will tell me that I am living their dream, some times a dream should stay a dream, because when it becomes real, then all that is left is real life in all its beauty as well as the harshness of reality.Read More

Rolling Thunder Invocation

Posted: Mar 26, 2012
Rolling Thunder (Shoshone Invocation) Lyrics: Rolling ThunderMusic: [Hart]A spoken introduction to Mickey Hart's first solo LP, with minimal instrumental accompaniment. To the east, where the sun riseTo the north, where the cold comes fromT...Read More

SMUG vs Scott Lively (an opinion)

Posted: Mar 25, 2012
These people/this person, and entities like them are responsible for crimes against humanity here and around the world.  Scott Lively, Abiding Truth Ministries, Focus on Family, FRC need to go. (In my opinion) This is a great start. "Sexual Minori...Read More

Saturday Thoughts, Loose

Posted: Mar 24, 2012
Quiet day, sunshine, nice, no rush or drag to head to work.  Subtle smile; relaxing joy.  What's it say about my mood to have Elton John's "Your Song" playing in my head?  "It's a little bit funny, these things i do...."   Morning ...Read More

Line form poem

Posted: Mar 22, 2012
The world stands out on either side No wider than the heart is wide; Above the world is stretched the sky, -- No higher than the soul is high. The heart can push the sea and land Farther away on either hand; The soul can split the sky in two, An...Read More

My advice column

Posted: Mar 16, 2012
I have started an acvice column. Come visit Auntie's Bad Ddvice For Bad T-girls at http://social.tgirlnet.com/connierotten/ See you there it will be fun.Read More

03142012 insomnia and frustration

Posted: Mar 14, 2012
well it's 3:15 am, i can't sleep. i tried to log on to the free chat, but it says "authentication failed". don't know if it's a sign i've been booted, or if an app is failing on me. doesn't really matter right now anyway except that when sleep is lacki...Read More

Coming out.

Posted: Mar 13, 2012
  In the past few months my courage has grown. I have come out to 4 people since October. The biggest reveal was my mother. I was pretty surprised by her accepting reaction but then again I really shouldn't be. Moms are the best! She understood an...Read More

'Debtocracy' a documentary

Posted: Mar 12, 2012
If you have the time, I thought this was worth viewing..   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKpxPo-lInk&feature=player_detailpageRead More

Sunday, a day to rest? not really

Posted: Mar 11, 2012
hello again me. well let's see what i accomplished today. woke up at 3:40 AM, took a shower and walked most of the way to work. nothing much happened out of the ordinary at work. just putting things in their place. the job is not much, but it pays the...Read More

saturday still without much fun

Posted: Mar 10, 2012
so i did not do much today except go the the dump and left some old military uniforms at the thrift store. i was drinking some shots of everclear with grapefruit juice and beer through out the day and had 4 slices of pizza, which i ate with my brother,...Read More

5 and 1/2 months until surgery

Posted: Mar 02, 2012
Birthday today, and. 5 and 1/2 months left until gender reassignment surgery. I've been on a wonderful journey of discovery of my true self which started in the spring of 2007. I remember when I told my sister, my friends, my coworkers, my mom. I remem...Read More

Unconsitutional provisions in NDAA 2012

Posted: Feb 28, 2012
As our civil liberties continue to erode: Patriot Act extension, Authorization for Use of Military Force, The FISA Amendment Act, allowing warrantless wiretapping and retroactive immunity to carriers, and now provisions in Subtitle D of the NDAA 2012, ...Read More

Moving to Ohio on February 24th

Posted: Feb 20, 2012
I will be moving to Ohio on February 24th. My job in Milwaukee, Wisconsin at Kohl's corporate office is going to allow me to work from home. (Columbus, Ohio). I will still need to be in Milwaukee once in awhile, but most of my work will be done from ...Read More

Why is the world so full of meanness?

Posted: Feb 18, 2012
I often wonder wy the wold is full of meanness, restrictions, and can'ts. Why can't a boy wear a pretty dress? Why can't everyone want to feel pretty if they want to?Why is it wrong if I love heels? Why can't a boy dream of being a bride? Why does soci...Read More

valentines day

Posted: Feb 14, 2012
wishing everybody a happy valentines day much love and kisses to all xooxoxoRead More

First Attempt at Trying Makeup

Posted: Feb 11, 2012
Had some free girl time today so I experimented with makeup. Mascara is really easy to use for making longer eyelashes. I'll have to go shopping eventually for eyeliner and eyeshadow since the colors on hand aren't right for me.Read More

What do you do?

Posted: Feb 06, 2012
What do you do, when you recognize that the details of your life aren't all that bad, but you're unhappy anyway?   What do you do when you just plain can't see any good way to change? What do you do when you look at each coming week with dread? ...Read More

High heels and passing

Posted: Feb 04, 2012
High Heels ibecame a topic that ranges from being a menace to some right through the scale to being a fetish for some. I think everyone lies somewhere on that scale and there are a lot of factors influencing peoples views regarding it. Some GG's love i...Read More

Experiencing life as a girl

Posted: Feb 04, 2012
As my adventures progress, i have been more and more interested to experience longer times as Dianne apart from the usual 3 or 4 days. Recently I had the opportunity to spend a whole week enfemme and it was such a wonderfull experience, I did it again ...Read More