668 Member Blogs


Posted: Jul 13, 2009
  <!-- /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:""; margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-font-f...Read More

I-S Magazine Interview

Posted: Jul 11, 2009
I-S Magazine Interview 11th July 2009 Singapore I-S, Singapore's lifestyle magazine, wanted to find out if Singapore was a boring place to live in. They sent their reporter to checkout the local SM scene. We did promise I-S that thei...Read More

Bigger chest?

Posted: Jul 10, 2009
Have been dressing and always have stayed with small breast 34 B since more clothing seems available that I like to wear. Have these silicone breast that feel and look so natural that no one seems to notice the male behind them. My friends say its time...Read More


Posted: Jun 30, 2009
Went to the beach on saturday with Karen and Sandy and found a remote place where we all could lay out in our swimsuits.Didnt notice alot of stares so maybe ppl just dont notice eventho Karen is 6'2". Wore my big glasses and hat with the beach purse an...Read More

Untitled Post

Posted: Jun 22, 2009
I am moving to the Charlotte NC area in July. I would love to hear from anyone about the social life in the North Carolina, and South Carolina area. Where are the good places to go out in Charlotte, Greenville, Columbia, and the surrounding area? Any p...Read More

A Sister in Need

Posted: Jun 19, 2009
Hi there URNA friends.  As I stated on my "Status/Banner" message on my main page here, I just recently sent the message below, to all on my Yahoo mail contact list, and also to some others on my Yahoo Messenger friend's list.  Thank you for ...Read More

having fun

Posted: Jun 11, 2009
Been getting out with the girls and am enjoying my life as a woman and seeing the evolution. I just enjoy all those things like lunches shopping and walks on the beach. I am reading romance novels and watching the soaps on tv and just loving it. It see...Read More

just home alone

Posted: Jun 06, 2009
It seems I find myself being debbie most of all the time now when not working . Thinking of hrt and transitioning full time and would do it if I had a man in my life to give me that support. It is so hard being in male mood and finding it unnatural to ...Read More

Singapore: SGGURLS 11th Moderator Meeting

Posted: May 23, 2009
Singapore: SGGURLS 11th Moderator Meeting Singapore, 23rd May 2009 It was another sweltering night with 37 degrees heat index (30.5 degrees + 90% humidity).  The gurls met up for what I thought was going to be a night of relaxation. The chai...Read More

My life

Posted: May 17, 2009
"We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing" I wouldn't trade my life as a tgirl for anything in the world. My only regret is that I tried to hide from my true self for far too many years. I was a woman from day on...Read More

Reduction at work

Posted: Apr 12, 2009
Well, my hours at work have been reduced. I'm now only working 24 hrs a week. I've decided to use my time off now to pursue Cisco Certifications. With some luck, I hope to become CCNA certified no later than the end of the year, hopefully sooner than t...Read More

Admirers thoughts

Posted: Apr 07, 2009
Hey All, You Girls are some of most honest people i've met.Let me explain: And excuse some of my words as they are NOT part of my view merely making a point! I grew up in a time when it was ok to Hate no matter who it was e.g. gay,black,jew,tg,ts&nb...Read More

Time to help out others

Posted: Apr 04, 2009
Hi Everyone, Do or can we support causes on this communinty?if not im sorry for posting this But Please take a look. www.foodforfurryfriends.com www.anyloosechange.com Thank you for your considerationRead More

Charlotte, Saturday April 18th

Posted: Mar 22, 2009
Quick note to invite everyone to a little luvfest I am hosting here in the Charlotte area on Saturday evening April 18th. It is a bi swingers and CDTVTS party being held at a local lifestyle friendly hotel. The party is open to anyone willing to share...Read More

Rock 'n Roll High Wednesdays @ Skinny Bar NYC w/hostess Tiffany Leigh!

Posted: Mar 12, 2009
Rock 'n Roll High Wednesdays @ Skinny Bar NYC w/hostess Tiffany Leigh! This is a NEW party that's committed to being TG-friendly and TG-positive!  If we have good turnouts it may lead to NEW parties in NYC!  Help me by supporting it and show...Read More

Shanghai: first BDSM meet of 2009 31st January 2009. Shanghai, China It was the first the BDSM meet

Posted: Feb 03, 2009
Shanghai: first BDSM meet of 2009 31st January 2009.Shanghai, China It was the first the BDSM meet in for the Shanghai BDSM group for 2009. It started out a little slow. Mistress Fifi and Nicole were afraid that due to the Lunar New Year go...Read More

SCC(2nd part)

Posted: Jan 21, 2009
Sunday, October 5Awwww…..it’s now Sunday…the last day at SCC. Sadly, time to say goodbye…and yes, that was a difficult thing to do, just as I had read about in friends’ blog from previous SCC events. And yes, I did c...Read More

Untitled Post

Posted: Jan 13, 2009
Hi everyone, Happy new year!!  A little late hbut Ie been apart for an internet connection for a long time.  Ill like to let you know taha iĺl tryto bemore active in the net this year . meanwhile i'like to found some of you in the chatroom. ...Read More

A New Year's Message...

Posted: Jan 11, 2009
So I guess you know I've been starting to speak out more on TransFM.org and that I've been really giving back on the chat rooms and trying to offer my best support.  While my work on the board has mostly enabled me to meet more transgender fol...Read More

New Photos Coming

Posted: Jan 06, 2009
I had a formal makeover and photo session on Sunday, January 4th.  Later this week I should have some new photos, my first big group of new photos since last May.  They will include some casual "bare leg" looks with denim and flip flops, as w...Read More

Is she a she or isn't she?

Posted: Jan 04, 2009
So, there's a girl I work with, and the rumor going around is that she may in fact have been born a he. There's no proof, per se, it's all based on observation - she has somewhat hairy forearms, a strong chin, not a lot of curves, and kind of a pronoun...Read More

The Year in Review

Posted: Jan 03, 2009
1. Sister treated for stage 1 breast cancer the first half of the year. 2. Step-father had leg aputated because of diabetes 3. Mom get's cellulitis infection in her leg after injuring it 4. Neice has major surgery to correct scoliosis(curvature of t...Read More

2008 in Review

Posted: Dec 31, 2008
Well, it's definitely been an interesting year. A lot has happened. I ended a relationship with the best girlfriend I've ever had (though she still wasn't right), I've watched my prosperity complete dry up, I've almost completely stopped smoking and my...Read More

First Journal Posting 28 Dec 2008

Posted: Dec 28, 2008
First time at posting a journal comment.  I havent dressed in ages.  I miss it.  Hope to have a chance to dress soon.  Huggs TeriRead More

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