cindy13 - Offline
The Essentials
Last Seen: Mar. 16, 2024
Joined: Dec 16, 2006
Age: 66
Gender: Male
Location: Redmond, OR, US
About Me
4/2023...OK literally been 10 years since any empty nesters and the MRS. is OK with the androgynous look around the house, but not pushing it much beyond skinny jeans, top and flats. Still have Covid hair, not had it cut since lockdowns. Got on again for the first time since shockwave died...the people here are still awesome, but having trouble navigating around still. So, if I can remember how I logged on,I'll be back.

7/11/13 Yikes! I'm guessing 2 years since any updates...My Cindy time is down to almost 0 (zero). Thought that when the kids turned 18 or 19 they would move out. WRONG. I do get to keep smooth now (amazing how long a stick of deodorant lasts when applied to skin), but the chest is becoming an area of confrontation. Still on flickr if you have way too much time on your hands.

7/11 Wow, been a while. Still same ol me.. but the Misses has decided that smooth legs are ok, all of the time. I do still stop by for the occasional chat session, but please be nice, and take the half second to spell out most of your words.

11/09 Well my wife surprised me again!! SHE painted my nails and let me shave...Love you Hon!!

6/09 HI again..After 26 years, my wife has maybe not accepted Cindy, but at least realizes that she is not going anywhere (even commented on my hair and clothes!!). Don't give up....if the marriage is strong, it will make it. Love you Hun!

12/07 It has been just about a year since I got up the guts to flaunt myself here. Thanks to those who have left a comment..they have all been nice!

If I am in chat, I am there to relax with friends, but I can always use more. Full profile is a BIG help. Not being a guy is a big help too.This should be read I don't date!!!!

Where to begin..Closeted long time CD, Shaved my legs (at long last), and surprised my wife. OOOPPPSS!!
Love nylon any where on my body. Favorite look is a bit slutty, or Office gal. Best achieved look is 'guy in a dress' (NEVER under estimate the power of PhotoShop).

I would like to thank all of you that had the courage(and camera), to post before I did. Been looking at all of you for a LONG time before getting the nerve to post.

I am not looking for anyone, or anything, just wanted to get 'out' (OK, show off)