AmandasDream - Offline
The Essentials
Last Seen: Sep. 15, 2024
Joined: Sep 10, 2024
Age: 52
Gender: Crossdresser
Location: Brookfield, IL, US
Relationship Status: Single
Interested In: Female
HIV Status: Negative
Height: 5 ft. 9 in. /175.26 cm.
Weight: 160 lbs.
Race/Ethnicity: White
About Me
.Hi! I'm a youthful looking soon to be 53 year old crossdresser from the suburbs of Chicago. I've been a cd since about the age of 4. My story is probably no different than so many others here. I began dressing at a young age, I knew something about myself just wasn't right, struggled to make lasting connections with people out of fear of being name it, I've been there! Grew up trying to overcompensate by playing every sport I's what boys did. But in the end, the girl in me won out. Problem was, there was nobody around to help me coax her from the closet. At some point, I gave up hope that I'd ever meet anyone I could even consider telling my secret to.

I've always considered myself a straight cd. I know that's probably not accurate. However, as time has gone, my attitudes and desires have changed quite considerably. Let's just say there's a lot more grey area than there was before. I've never been attracted to men at all. My preference was always to meet an accepting woman who would accept whatever I ultimately chose and help guide my journey. But it seemed for me that was asking too much and it drove me into what turned into a lifetime lost in an abyss. But ultimately, I'd say I'm probably more bi-curious than anything...perhaps time will prove more. I've only ever been with women and none for a long, long, looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time.

But I'm back. My female desires have returned with a vengeance and I can't...I WON'T suppress them again! I'm already a living testament to the damage that can be done when one tries to marginalize or ignore this. There's a badass little bitch I've kept locked up inside me and she's begging to be free. I so very much want her to be free!
Religion: none
Political Views: Doesn't matter We're all bought, paid for, and owned by corporations
Favorite Quotes: to thy own self be true.
Arts & Entertainment
Books: anything by Stephen King or Clive Barker
Movies: I'm an avid movie lover. There's not many movies I don't find a reason to like.
Television: Another wide variety. Everything from old episodes of MASH to the newest Game of thrones.
Music: Rock n Roll all the way baby! Definitely towards the heavy side. Lzzy Hale is my hero!
Games: I've never been much of a gamer.
Favortie Sports: Baseball, Football, Hockey
Favorite Teams: Blackhawks, Bears, White Sox
Favorite Athletes: Walter Payton was a god to me.
Activites & Interests
Interests: Since I was about 4 I've been a closet crossdresser. There have been people who have seen me dressed up, but nobody close that ever knew my secret. Now there's nobody really close. This secret has eaten away at me for a lifetime, and twisted me into something I didn't recognize...because I gave up hope that I'd ever be able to properly deal with these feelings. They have grown to epic proportions while buried under multiple layers of denial. I'm looking to change that.
Activities: When I lived, I was an active athlete. I played on several softball teams from spring through fall and I would also play roller roller hockey, and the occasional football game. I never missed a chance to get out and play. When I wasn't doing that, things were mostly chill. Regular movies and concerts with friends and Saturday night gatherings were the norm for many years until it all just stopped.