Iamtandles - Offline
The Essentials
Last Seen: Sep. 08, 2023
Joined: Jan 01, 1997
Age: 57
Gender: T(M2F)
Location: Marietta, GA, US
Height: 6 ft. 0 in. /182.88 cm.
Weight: 210 lbs.
Race/Ethnicity: White
About Me
I dress. I love it. The wife knows and does not like it. I can a stash of things out of sight and dress when the family is not around. This works for us and I'm thankful to have that amount of latitude. She is not aware of any of my online presence so please don't tell her, ok? If I were single today with where my level of self-acceptance and desires are, I'd be most or full-time and just so darn happy. But I made a commitment to my wife and we have young kids, so this side of me takes a back seat which I freely and mostly happily choose.

I'm not interested in seeing your parts.

I have pictures on Flickr. Click on the "Visit Website" link over there on the left.

Aug 2019: I went out to Target last week!! My first time in public where I had to possibly interact with other people. It all went fine to be honest - thanks to self checkout. :-) . Update on the weight: I've started a new program recently...

Sept 2018: Early 2018 continued with lots of pics - and even some with makeup! And I did a bit of blogging as well. The link can be found in my flickr profile.

Dec 2017: I've been in a groove maximizing my dressing opportunities and taking pics. Happy Holidays to all you beautiful women here on UR!!

Oct 2017: I've been more intentional this year about dressing when I have a window of time to do so. Picture taking is on the rise!

Feb 2016: My annual "give up spending too much time online for Lent" is back once again.

March 2014: Giving up "spending so much time online" for Lent.

Feb 2014: I'll boil down my profile down since few people read them anyway. If you want to see my full story, I have a journal entry with my old profile information.