504 Member Blogs

His TS Biker Babe

Posted: Jul 30, 2016
I date a guy from Natrona Heights who like to take me out on his bike.  He comes over, we go for a ride then staop at some local bars for a few drinks.  One place we frequent is called Wicked Witches on Freeport Road in Cheswick.   For s...Read More

The Trans-Gal Next Door

Posted: Jul 30, 2016
I live in townhome community called The Estates of Rural Ridge.   I purchased as a male but moved into in enfemme.   Because they are so close together, privacy is kind of non-existant, but over the years my neighbors have grown used to seein...Read More

In the Past I asked Why...Today I say Why Not!

Posted: Jul 23, 2016
I imagine I am not the only one who questioned all of this. Why these feelings and desires? I felt so much guilt and thought I had some disorder. I tried many times to swear off thinking about what was deep inside me only to find myself depressed and o...Read More

Some new photos.... Hopefully

Posted: Jul 21, 2016
Added a few more photos to my galleries, hope they get approved.Read More

Cocktail Time

Posted: Jun 19, 2016
We were talking today about having some type of social event at our place. Nothing very upscale, just casual out on one of our decks. Thinking it would be nice to meet some of the other local people. So if this is something you think would be a nice id...Read More

Summer Weekends are the Best!

Posted: Jun 19, 2016
I absolutely love weekendss but summer ones are my favorite! It gives us botht the chance to get out in the sun whether it is on our back deck or down at the lake. We have the chance to really talk and catch up on what has been going on. Read More

Seeking a Therapist

Posted: Apr 19, 2016
I have been doing a lot of soul searching lately and have decided its time I see a therapist.  Although I am not at the point in my life right now to start transitioning, the desire and urge to be Dayna has intensified tremendously.  I am hop...Read More

Another HB2 update

Posted: Apr 09, 2016
I am guessing many have already heard about a certain music legend cancelling his concert in NC. I meant to post this earlier but I have been too busy with work and other offline activities. This may start to change things regarding the economy, in a...Read More

Another quickie situation regarding HB2

Posted: Apr 05, 2016
PayPal decided not to add jobs in Charlotte due to the ongoing situation with HB2. It has cancelled any plans of building an office. Reconsidering this bill would be a good idea since economically, it will hurt in the long term. Unsurprisingly, Miss...Read More

Continuing to travel on my journey

Posted: Mar 13, 2016
So much has been going on these last few months and it has been exciting at times and exhausting at others. I have been meeting so many new people and find it often has been exhilirating for me. My comfort level and confidence has never been higher and...Read More

What URNA Means To Me

Posted: Jan 06, 2016
Well what URNA Means to me Well I just happened to stumble across this site in 2005 where I was in the closet for a little over thirty years and also on herea little over a year then finally put up a picture of the male me and and started to make some ...Read More

happy holidays

Posted: Dec 24, 2015
To one and all wishing you happy holidays and a great new year xoxoxoxoxoRead More


Posted: Nov 29, 2015
  Well – not a lot has changed – still out here & thought that I’d drop a new Journal Entry as I’ve been off the radar for the past while.  Still finding it a real struggle to find girl time, but life seems to hav...Read More


Posted: Nov 26, 2015
Wishing everybody a happy TG day xoxoxooxRead More

My Attempt to Get Caught back Up on my Journey

Posted: Oct 12, 2015
I find it unfortunately true there are just never enough hours in a day or days in a week to get everything done that needs attention. One of the reasons I have been so lack lately in posting anything here. Well I have a little time so I am going to tr...Read More

Thank You All

Posted: Mar 31, 2015
Thank you to everyone who posted Birthday wishes. Kisses to you all. Hugs Carole.Read More

Birthday wishes

Posted: Mar 26, 2015
Dear friends,   Thank you all for your Birthday wishes I am off for a long weekend to celerbrate.. Read More

Boss versus a Leader

Posted: Feb 19, 2015
boss versus a leader http://somedaily.com/7-characteristics-that-separate-a-boss-from-a-leader/Read More

Untitled Post

Posted: Nov 27, 2014
Wishing one and all a happy thanksgiving  Lynne xoxoxoxoxoRead More

The annual, " Great Spring Cleaning Event"

Posted: Sep 03, 2014
So here it is, another September already. Not much has changed in my life.  Retirement has it plusses but also some bad things to note. I sleep til 8 am each day. Quiy smoking and girl, let me tell you, thinking of food adds pounds so an ongoing b...Read More

Test Journal

Posted: Aug 26, 2014
My first entryRead More

A smile or a "hey" DOESN'T mean "can I sleep with you?"

Posted: Jul 24, 2014
Just because a guy writes you an email doesn't mean he wants to get in your pants. Immediately coming to that conclusion could mean: A. You have a past full of people trying to have sex with you. If that's the case, you might want to check a few thin...Read More

Feeling good

Posted: Jun 23, 2014
My partner loves me unconditionally. Used to not believe in unconditional love in the context of intimate relationships. What a dummy I was. Bridget has loved me this way since the beginning.  I wonder how much more greatness can come to me wh...Read More

Real life, real relationship

Posted: Jun 21, 2014
Real life. Real relationship. They are challenging. You want one, but when you get one, you can't stand it. Or, you love it and you love it more, but it doesn't work. Or, you love it and you hate it and it drives you batty. I listened to a great 20 mi...Read More