10 Greatest Athlete Cross-Dressers

PacManJonesin.com – Published by Dan Zinski

The Super Bowl has been invaded by a cross-dressing Telemundo reporter named Joel Bengoa, who sashayed his fanny into the middle of press row Tuesday and started handing out boxes of chocolates to players. “They told me it was going to be crazy, but I just thought it was going to be a lot of media,” Cardinals safety Aaron Francisco said after having his personal space violated by “Mr.” Bengoa. “Then that he-she gave me candy and I figured out what they were talking about. I think it was some Mexican dude in a dress, and he tried to get me to talk Spanish. But I’m from Hawaii, so I just played along.” Like my mother taught me: If a Mexican drag-queen tries to give you candy, just play along. And don’t give him your phone number (if only I’d listened).

Ahem…anyway, Mr. Bengoa’s drag-bomb drop on Super Bowl week inspired in me a desire to reflect upon the great cross-dressing moments in the history of sports. Sadly, there haven’t been nearly enough such incidents. But there were at least 10, which is good, because then I can make a list like: