Message from a Member – Summer 2017

Maybe its a life change or the fact that I tend to be up in the middle of the night more often. In fact, its 1 am here and the neighborhood, aside from a few barking dogs here and there, its pretty much quiet. Its a good time for me to think and let …

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The woman who was trans before her time by Katie Daubs Feature Writer, Sun Mar 27 2016

Dianna Boileau was one of the first Canadians to have gender-confirming surgery, in 1970. She caused a sensation, then married and retreated from public life.

When Dianna Boileau showed …

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A Whole New Being by Deborah Sontag Dec 12 2015

Perched on a gurney at dawn, Kricket Jerná Nimmons, 40, kicked her feet giddily, like a girl on the edge of a pool, preparing to take a plunge. She wore a hospital gown and purple socks with paw prints. Her …

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National Unfriend Day – A How To by Christina Bonnington Nov 16 2015

(editor note: Pam – today is National Unfriend Day! Hope this helps make it a more pleasant day.)

Unfriending someone on social media can be a delicate situation. On the one hand, you’re real…

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what URNA means to me

By Lisa Cole November 14 2015

An incident in Chat tonight made me really stop and think what URNA means, to me and to others.

I came to URNA over 14 years ago.

Same story as so many others. Had them feelings, lived in secret, wonde…

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Real Life

Lynnie – Aug 5 2015

So last Monday night I had an experience that will go down as a long lasting memory. (I am not full time .. however I have lived just under it for under 20 years……. my id is still boy) I live with a partner who is an American…

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