Sex, drugs and Disney World? – Meredith McKenna – Hollywood Pop Culture Examiner

Sex, drugs and Disney World? Yes, yes and creepy-yes. At least according to former Disney World photographer Chris Mitchell, who unveils his delicious Disney diary, Cast Member Confide…

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Boy-Girl Arrested – By Daily Guide

Drama unfolded at Dansoman yesterday when a 20-year-old man who dressed as a woman and passed himself off as a prostitute, was arrested by the Police.

Chris Boateng, who was using the name ‘Jacqueline’, was arres…

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Sunday Gospel with Shealita Babay – By Shealita Babay

Hello everybody. My name is Shealita Babay and I am appalled with this country.

This week we’ve done a complete 180 from the one of wonder in which our blessed Republicans won back their seats nationwide, Th…

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