10,000 Fully Approved Profiles!

We hit a Milestone on 9/7/06. We hit the 10,000 mark of Registered Members with Fully Approved Profiles!

This number tends to go up and down as New Profiles are added and Existing Profiles are Deleted or when People Disable their Profile temporarily, but for each step backward we normally take a step and a half or 2 steps forward:)

What are Fully Approved Profiles you ask?

A Fully Approved Profile is a Profile where the Profile Owner has Uploaded a Full Length Picture that shows their face and meets all our other requirements, entered their Location Information and selected the Appropriate Category for their Profile to appear in.

In addition to the 10,000 Registred Members with Fully Approved Profiles, we also have 6,500 Plus Provisional Profiles that are Viewable but don’t meet one of more of our requirements. This might mean that the person didn’t upload a Full Length Photo or that they didn’t put in their Location Information or didn’t select a Category, but they did put in enough Information for us to Display the Profile as Provisional… so for all of you out there who have Provisional Profiles, upload that Full Length Photo, put in your Location Info and make sure you select a Category for your Profile.

And for those of you who started to fill in your Profile and never finished, there are 12,000 Plus People who haven’t put in enough info to be a Registered Member or to have a Provisional Profile, login at any time and Complete that Profile! If you wait too long you run the risk of having your Pending Profile removed. Periodically we remove Profiles that are Pending and that have been in that state for more than a few months.

Thanks to everyone for helping us reach this Milestone and for continuing to keep URNA the Vibrant, Ever Growing Community that it is!