10th annual PRIDE charity drag show attracts students

Media.www.DailyVidette.com – Jen Damore, Daily Vidette Staff

The lights come up on stage and a woman wearing a short red coat appears. She then begins to introduce a group of men and women who are dressed as the opposite sex. That’s right, this is not just a show; it is a drag show, and it is for charity.

Each year PRIDE, a registered student organization on campus that supports and provides a safe place for gay, lesbian and other students, hosts a charity drag show. The money made from the show is then donated to a charity which supports the Gay, Bisexual, Lesbian, Transgender (GLBT) community. This year’s charity is the Acorn Equality Fund, which offers scholarships to active members of PRIDE of the GLBT community. Over the years many members of the PRIDE executive board have received scholarships from these types of charities.