14 Hairstyles That Will Accentuate Your Best Features

refinery29.com Megan Cahn March 29 2016

(note from me – You may have guessed by now refinery29 is a fav of mine. It is likely targeted at younger women, but I like it. I know many of our members wear wigs or are growing out their hair, so articles like this can help or at least provide some ideas. )

Contouring. Facial massage. Botox. Even vampire facelifts. These are all things people might do in the hopes of getting more angular cheekbones, lifted eyebrows, and a generally more defined and youthful face. We understand the desire, but this mission (if you’re on it) takes work — and heavy cash flow.

But we’ve got interesting news: something as simple as a haircut or just trying out a new style for a night can have a similar effect. “Hair can be used to soften hard lines or hollowed faces,” says stylist Jon Reyman, founder of Spoke & Weal salons. “It can [also] work to draw attention from a drooping chin or aged neck.”

All the hairstylists we chatted with for this story agreed. “A haircut can definitely not only affect a person’s face, but also enhance a person’s bone structure,” says Hansen Liu, a stylist at Marie Robinson Salon.