4 oz. serving packs ton of buzz

Chron.com – By Gail Shister – Philadelphia Inquirer

Nip/Tuck creator’s transsexual drama attracting attention from the A-list stars

Ryan Murphy, the swashbuckling creator of Nip/Tuck, already has another FX drama in mind, about a transsexual sportswriter with a wife and two teenage sons.

Murphy’s writing the pilot episode of 4 oz. and hopes to begin production early next year. No cast yet, but he says his phone “is ringing off the hook” from A-list stars who shall remain nameless.

OK, then, we’ll name them: Robert Downey Jr. and Alec Baldwin, among others, according to Hollywood buzz.

“This will be one of the great parts, if done correctly,” says Murphy, 41. “It will be like Dustin Hoffman in Tootsie ? a man who becomes a better man by being a woman.” (Hoffman grabbed an Oscar nomination for his performance in the ’82 film.)