9th Annual Transgender Day of Remembrance

Equality Florida is proud to co-sponsor the 9th Annual Transgender Day of Remembrance

Join us in the Chapel of the Unity Church of Clearwater
2465 Nursery Road, Clearwater
Monday, November 19th at 7PM

On Monday, November 19th, the Tampa Bay Transgender community, along with family, friends and allies, will gather at the unity Church of Clearwater to remember and honor victims of anti-transgender violence.

Please join us as we gather together to:

1. Remember those killed due to anti-transgender hatred or prejudice;
2. Express commitment to the inherent worth and dignity of every person;
3. Encourage the public to say “NO” to discrimination and prejudice; and
4. Practice acceptance and understanding towards all people.

Ms. Susan Stanton will be the keynote speaker and we will hear from a wide variety of local faith leaders, including Equality Florida’s close allies, Leddy Hammock and Abhi Janamanchi.

Over the last decade, more than one person per month has died due to transgender-based hate or prejudice. The Transgender Day of Remembrance is an opportunity to stand along side our transgender brothers and sisters in vigil, memorializing those who’ve died by anti-transgender violence.

For more information, please contact:
Rev. Abhi Janamanchi: 727-667-3398 and abhijp@gmail.com,
Rev. Leddy Hammock: 727-742-9925 and leddy@unityofclearwater.org