Couple offers straight answers on gay issues – April Hunt – Sentinel Staff Writer

Sex educators plan question-and-answer sessions today at 2 Valencia campuses.

A transgender woman – born as a man but now living as a female – starts dating a guy. Does that make the guy gay or straight?

That was Laurel Brewer’s puzzler put to two sex educators leading a series of lectures and question-and-answer sessions at Valencia Community College this week.

Educators Marshall Miller and Dorian Solot answered the question in front of about 65 people who came to Tuesday’s East Campus presentation of “Straight Answers to Gay Questions.”

Repeat performances are planned today at VCC’s Osceola and Winter Park campuses. Their goal, they said, is to give students and the public a forum where no question is too silly, obscure or risque.

“I don’t know who else to ask that, and I’ve always been curious,” said Brewer, a 20-year-old communications student. “I’m glad people came out to learn and hopefully take something new away.”