Tansgender = Body Mod?!

BMEZine.com – natasha242

Call me naive. Goddess knows that I may well be as I haven’t been into body modifications very long; less than 6 months if I am to be truthful. The thought of a newbie writing an article might seem like a laughable prospect, but I figure I’ll put my tuppence in and see how it turns out.

I happened upon BME’s site while reading the body modification page on Wikipedia because I’ve recently started becoming interested in body modification, both mainstream piercings and tattoos. So I’ve looked around the site and like what I see so far. Under the heading of “News”, I happened upon the Shapeshifter columns. This piques my interest because over the course of the last 6 years or so (depending on how you measure the starting point), I have transitioned from a male body to a female one, minus “The Surgery” as some may call it.

I’ve always have been a woman, even if my body didn’t always fit the part. As a male-bodied child, I got mercilessly teased and regularly beaten for my femininity; the boys didn’t want to play with such a fragile creature as I, and the girls scoffed at letting someone they perceived as a boy to play with them. It drastically escalated when, in my High School years, my family moved and I was transferred to a school in a conservative part of Missouri with “Farm” in the name.