Takin it all off

TheNassauGuardian.com – By Nadine Brown, Guardian Staff Reporter

Looking at her the average person sees a normal middle-aged woman with a pleasing personality and a ready smile. However in reality this is one of a small percentage of transgender people (someone who crosses or bends the gender boundaries) who reside quietly in the Bahamas.

These people are not trying to make waves. They are simply trying to exist in a society which has no place for, nor wishes to make place for them. It’s mainly because they are regarded as the strangest of all nature’s oddities and viewed with great suspicion. After all, why would anyone want to change the way God made them?

“I did not know I wanted to change”, says Toni (not her real name). “I did not know it was possible to change but I knew I was different from the other fourth graders.”

He says that as a child when the girls at school would sit in the doorway playing with their Barbie dolls and the boys would play “hit below the knees” and all the other games that boys would play, he would always want to play with the girls.