Sean McNaughton: Loser Extraordinaire

Some Jerks never learn. Remember the person that was SPAMming our members under the name Sean McNaughton? Have a look at a Past Article to refresh your memories: He’s back! Have You Seen This Man?

Well, evidently, this Loser was upset that we didn’t take kindly to his SPAM’ing our members quite some time back. We wrote the article mentioned above to warn our Members about this dimwit.

1st off, I doubt any of the pictures he’s using or even his name are actually the real person who was SPAMming our members… so keep that in mind if you continue… they are the name and the pictures he uses when posting so they are here to help people recognize his ads.

Well, he’s back… only now he’s posting profiles on other sites and… get this… using My profile pic from URNA in his profiles. Of course he’s being as abusive and childish as ever. So, just a heads up, if you do see My profile on other sites behaving in a manner that you wouldn’t expect from me… guess what… it’s this jerk… again.

So, Sean, or whoever you are, get a life. Better yet… why don’t you end your… never mind… what I was about to say really wouldn’t be very nice.

If vulgar language (Sean’s) offends you, I’d advice against reading any further as I’ve posted his correspondence verbatim…

For your viewing pleasure, here’s a bit of correspondence from this jerk after I confronted him about using my picture… again, keep in mind… they are probably not his actual pictures and it’s probably not his actual name, but… it is what he’s posting:

Jonny Boy,

I don’t give a shit what you think or do, you are a fucking asshole from the beginning and you are a fucking asshole to the end. So keep threatening me, your pic and ad is only the beginning. fuck you and die.
You are now blocked. Prick.

Sean McNaughton
Icq# 32456321

But wait, there’s more:)
You are fucking moron, that pic is not mine, you keep stealing other people’s pics and you claim it’s me. my pic is on this website but you will never get it. Wait this week should be a blast for you.. Wait and see you junk bond, loser in life. lol …
Icq# 32456321

The one above is especially amusing… as he is using My picture… go figure…

Believe it or not, yet more:)
Now this moron is posting profiles in my name on other sites. I just received an eMail from a site called requesting a password change in my name.

ROTFLMAO… still more… now he’s replying to the ads he put up… have a look…
Subject: Reply To Your Ad at the Transgender Personals

you disgusting fuck, you play with little boys, i seen your ad, you are a sick bastard.. scum like you should be locked up.. someday you will get caught for your misdeeds. lol it’s a shame you have no idea who I really am, it would surprise you. see you soon..

Random Thoughts
This guy is a real winner… The more I think about this, the more I suspect that he’s using someone else’s name and pictures and, if that’s the case, my apologies to the person who’s name and pictures he’s using, but it’s what all this crap is posted under and it’s what I have for information… at this point in time. If this is the case and the person who’s name and pictures he’s using sees this, I’d suggest you contact the authorities and file a complaint about the person who’s doing these postings all over the net as he’s ruining your reputation.

Anyway, I’m just rambling, I guess I should be feeling sorry for this loser rather than getting aggravated.

So, I’m sitting here… kind of perplexed… trying to figure out what goes on in this guys tiny little mind… what universe this guy lives in… what alternate reality he experiences day to day…

Now, whoever this clown is, he decides to post on various personal sites, ads with my picture and in my name that are actually quite disgusting, not to mention highly illegal.

So… I’ve forwarded every scrap of information I have and everything that’s been forwarded me by others to the authorities… I guess it’s in their hands now, although I would like to post this idiot’s real home address and phone number… so if anyone can get a hold of them (while the authorities will find them… no doubt… they won’t be divulging them to me) I’d be happy to post them in this article:)


Here’s a few eMail headers from the eMails we have received from this person…

1. – header info follows:
Received: from by by uid 512 with CWIE-scanner-1.16
(sophie: 2.14/3.73. spamassassin: 2.60. Clear:SA:0(-0.7/6.0):.
Processed in 1.035774 secs); 05 Nov 2003 23:29:47 -0000
X-Spam-Status: No, hits=-0.7 required=6.0
Received: from unknown (HELO (
by with SMTP; 5 Nov 2003 23:29:45 -0000
Received: (from www@localhost)
by (8.11.6/8.11.6) id hA5NTjW08238;
Wed, 5 Nov 2003 16:29:45 -0700
Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2003 16:29:45 -0700
Message-Id: <>
Subject: URNotAlone: Excessive Mail
X-Mailer: PHP/4.3.2

Received: (qmail 19204 invoked by uid 514); 26 Feb 2005 08:44:55 -0000
Received: from by (envelope-from , uid 512) with CWIE-scanner-1.23st
(sophie: 3.04/2.27/3.89. spamassassin: 3.0.2. perlscan: 1.23st.
Processed in 0.649972 secs); 26 Feb 2005 08:44:55 -0000
X-Spam-Status: No, hits=-1.3 required=6.0
Received: from unknown (HELO (
by with SMTP; 26 Feb 2005 08:44:54 -0000
Received: (qmail 68174 invoked by uid 1004); 26 Feb 2005 08:44:51 -0000
Date: 26 Feb 2005 08:44:51 -0000
Message-ID: <>

3. Return-Path:
Received: (qmail 32494 invoked by uid 514); 1 Mar 2005 20:11:14 -0000
Received: from by (envelope-from , uid 512) with CWIE-scanner-1.23st
(sophie: 3.04/2.27/3.89. spamassassin: 3.0.2. perlscan: 1.23st.
Processed in 1.232221 secs); 01 Mar 2005 20:11:14 -0000
X-Spam-Status: No, hits=-2.6 required=6.0
Received: from unknown (HELO (
by with SMTP; 1 Mar 2005 20:11:13 -0000
Received: (qmail 8212 invoked by uid 1004); 1 Mar 2005 20:11:11 -0000
Date: 1 Mar 2005 20:11:11 -0000
Message-ID: <>

The various names this person is known as in his postings are: Sean McNaughton aka Shawn McNaughton aka Brian Jones (aka Diane Arons?)

Here’s one of the addresses he’s using:

He has also used:

And he occasionally uses:

Again, he may be spoofing someone else’s identity… but… these are the addresses all the correspondence comes from… so… make sure you keep that in mind.