WPKN Playlist: The 20th anniversary – coming-out fill-in Franorama

franoramaworld.wordpress.com – By franoramaworld

The Jan. 4 fill-in episode of Franorama, 6-9 a.m. EST on WPKN (89.5 FM, http://www.wpkn.org), was huge for me for two reasons.

Rod Richardson, my friend and program director, didn’t know this when he emailed me Sunday night, but Tuesday was the 20th anniversary of my first show at the station. It was Jan. 4, 1991, a fill-in for Tom Frouge’s “Strangeland” show, from 2-6 a.m. EST. Armed with three crates of records (and a handful of CDs) that I hauled in the back of my 4X4, I trudged up the 2 1/2 flights of stairs of the University of Bridgeport Student Center and prepared to stammer and blunder my way through my first show.