My night with lawyers for transgender rights – by Erica L. Kaufman – MTPC media intern

Last Thursday, the Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition (MTPC) held their fundraiser Lawyers for Transgender Rights at Club Cafe (209 Columbus Ave.). Supporters all agreed it was hugely successful.

This event brought together the transgender community with the legal community as we continued to fight for an end to discrimination on the basis of gender identity or expression. Liz Monnin-Browder, a member of the MTPC Steering Committee spearheaded the event alongside twenty-four organizations and individuals who signed up as sponsors. With over two hundred people in attendance, live music from the artists of Urban Myth, a fantastic silent auction, three brilliant keynote speakers (State Representative Carl Sciortino, MTPC executive director Gunner Scott, and M. Barusch, attorney and founding member of Massachusetts Transgender Legal Advocates), and a plentiful array of food and drinks, the event felt lively and upbeat all night.