A Paleo-Feminist on Transgender Sexism Studies

MotherJones.com – Posted by Debra Dickerson

An extremely ‘well intentioned’ young white guy I work closely with said to me the other day that, appalled as he was by this “new” notion of white privilege he’d just heard of, thank god he’d never been its beneficiary. Others had, of course, but not him and man! would such a thing suck if it actually did exist.

While trying not to either laugh at him or slit his throat, I informed him about a study done by U of Chicago and MIT professors. In that study, identical resumes were sent in response to their local papers’ want ads. Identical, that is, but for names like “Jennifer” v. “Tanisha,” and “Jamal” v. “Joe”. Let’s just sum it up thusly:…