TransNation: HeteroQueer Activist Speaks at Southern Comfort – By Jacob Anderson-Minshall

“I’ve been in the family for so long — nearly 30 years — it’s home to me. Straight, to me, is a lifestyle I just can’t relate to even though I present fairly straight.” C. Michael Woodward identifies as heteroqueer; “It means I’m a man who enjoys the company of women — although that has been known to be flexible — but lives almost exclusively in LGBTQ social circles.”

The forty-five-year-old is a committed LGBT activist. The former executive director of Southern Arizona Gender Alliance (SAGA) says when he first joined the organization; he went “everywhere there was anything LGBT happening, to address trans inclusion, both online and in person. I just kept showing up everywhere and talking about my experiences with invisibility as a hetero transsexual man with a lesbian history still living intentionally in the LGBT community.”