The Boy Mike Experience! – by Adrian Ryan

Some legends are small. Some are not. And some throw things at people.

Long ago, when Seattle was Seattle and not just Microsoft Annex B, Boy Mike roamed the night. Some say Boy Mike came from the sea, like Godzilla or Aphrodite or something fabulous in between—and some say that it was to the sea he returned, on that sad day many years ago when he vanished. Others claim that he came not from the sea but from Port Orchard, and when he went, he went only to SeaWorld in San Diego, where he wore the Shamu suit and clapped happy foam flippers at children. (Delightful!) There are even those who boast that he dry-humped their legs one time in a crowded and broken-down elevator, and that it really doesn’t matter where the hell he went anyway, because he’s back now, baby. Guard your pleats.