Justin Bond on Transgender Politics, Tilda Swinton, and How He Stays Focused in Bathhouses

NYMag.com – Justin Ravitz

A bedazzled version of himself in Lustre: A Midwinter Trans-Fest at P.S. 122, Justin Bond, the performer best-known as Kiki of Kiki and Herb, sings and chats about Joan Didion, falling in love with a slightly retarded man, and the differences between Genet and JonBenet. The Tony-nominated downtown icon plays emcee to a hand-selected ensemble of trans- and queer-identified artists, from a stunning pianist named Our Lady J to a tap-dancing, stripping, and defiantly un-skinny drag king named Frank Anne. Bond spoke to Vulture about transgender politics, Tilda Swinton, and his fight with D’Angelo at Madonna’s birthday party.