A function for gay genes after all?

World-Science.net – Special to World Science

Sa­mo­an lovers hint at ev­o­lu­tion­ary mech­a­nisms, sci­en­tists claim

Stud­ies of some un­usu­al men in the re­mote Pa­cif­ic have led sci­en­tists to sur­pris­ing con­clu­sions about ho­mo­sex­u­al and oth­er gender-bending be­hav­iors.

One of these con­clu­sions: sex­u­al at­trac­tion to mem­bers of the same sex may have an ev­o­lu­tion­ary func­tion, though past stud­ies had failed to find one.

A sec­ond as­ser­tion to emerge from the work is that psy­chol­o­gists should re­con­sid­er the way they class­ify as a “disorder” trans­sex­u­alism—a strong de­sire to be the op­po­site sex.