Womens World – New look and a new start

HalifaxCourier.co.uk – By Diane Crabtree

Most females who shed the stones will tell you they feel like a new woman.
But none can say it with the same conviction as Kathy Mytton who has just lost 85lb.
Kathy is a new person in the true sense. Because she used to be a burly rugby player called Peter and fathered three children by two ex-wives.

But now the 55-year-old artist, who lives in Cragg Vale, is starting the New Year on a high because she’s well on her way to having the body she always dreamed of.
Kathy, who was born in Worcestershire but moved to Calderdale 27 years ago, claims she knew from the age of four that she was trapped in the wrong body but only worked up the courage to do something about it five years ago.

She “came out” to her friends and, 18 months ago, changed her name by deed poll and started dressing as a woman full-time.