Whats in a (Pinoy) Name?

TheBoholChronicle.com – Juan L. Mercado

On a Verona balcony, Juliet asked Romeo: “What’s in a name?” Plenty, says the US Immigration Service. That is if the names are those Filipinos picked when they became naturalized U.S. citizens. Former UN economist Conardo Sanchez, who emailed the list, wrote. Scan the names. Who knows you might bump into them one of them:

Meet Jorge Talahib. He is now known as – what else? – George Bush. And Tomas Cruz? You guessed right: Tom Cruise. But Macario Maldonado opted for Mac Donald. And Bienvenido Jurado, meanwhile, became Ben Hur.

Remigio Batungbacal took the moniker of Remington Steel. But Juanito Lakarin now signs as Johnny Walker. His fiancée Victoria Malihim changed her name to Victoria Secret.