I Was a Teenage Drag Queen: Part 2

Valley24.com – By Robert Joki

In exactly two weeks time, Youngstown’s guilty little holiday pleasure, How The Drag Queen Stole Christmas, will open at the Oakland Center for the Arts. In tribute to what will be a delightfully devilish train wreck of a show, I am blogging about all things drag related for the next few weeks. Last week, I invited readers to submit questions they would like me to answer. These are some of my favorites:

Why do you do drag?

This answer is different for every performer, I am sure, but I like to do drag because I love musical theater…and all of the best parts are written for women. In dragland I make a STUNNING Grizabella, or Norma Desmond, or Effie White. I also just love the camp of it all. I was a huge fan of Monty Python when I was growing up and I think men in wigs and dresses are HILAAARIOUS.