I Was a Teenage Drag Queen: Part 1

Valley24.com – By Robert Joki

When I first came out of the closet I was wearing a pair of my mother’s shoes. I tripped over a Bible and found myself in an extremely conservative suburb. I wanted very much to meet other people like myself but I wasn’t sure how to do so. There were NO gay people in my hometown…well, no openly gay people. We had a former superintendent of schools who got arrested for jerking off in a nearby truck stop parking lot…but it was unclear whether he was doing it for the truck drivers or the prostitutes….and if it was for the prostitutes, whether it was for the male prostitutes or the female prostitutes. I was feeling lonely, but I wasn’t feeling that lonely.

I tried the Internet route, visiting online dating sites and male4male chat rooms, but everyone I met was EXTREMELY creepy. Like, creepy uncle who loves to play Santa for all the wrong reasons, creepy. Where was dateline when I was a teenager? In any case, I met one too many men who wanted me to call them “Daddy” while they spanked me. There HAD to be another way to meet guys.