Unsung Heroes: Zander Keigs Tao of Trans Activism

GayWired.com – By Jacob Anderson-Minshall

Part Two of Six

In light of his work now, it hard to believe Zander Keig started out with the U.S. Coast Guard or that he was once an undercover narcotics agent. The laid back guy, who still dresses for the Southern California beaches of his childhood, seems like he would have been more at home in the natural foods industry—another job Keig tried before chucking his day job to go back to school at 30.

That move sparked a love affair with learning that has led him to pursue a bachelor’s degree in speech, a master’s in conflict analysis and resolution, a M.T.S. in world religion, which led him to tackle a year-long internship with National Conference for Community and Justice, and earning certificates in massage therapy and holistic nutrition counseling.