Texas trans woman says she was fired from Baptist church for wearing make up

EdgeBoston.com – by David Webb – The Dallas Voice

Everything considered, I think the lady makes a valid point.

Terri Beth Richeson couldn?t understand why the business administrator of the First Baptist Church in Wichita Falls kept telling her to quit wearing make up on her job as a church custodian.

After all, the church?s pastor, the Rev. Robert Jeffress, wore make up when he preached and appeared on television, said Richeson, who is a male-to-female transgender. What?s the difference between the pastor wearing make up on the job and a custodian doing the same thing, she wondered.

“The pastor wore a lot of make up,” Richeson said. “I?ve got pictures of his make up. I got a call one day from another employee who said, ?You?ve got to come down to his office. He?s got his make up all laid out.?”