This business of desire – Nilanjana Biswas

In a world where the inequities of globalisation are often countered by a hardening conservatism, female-to-male transgenders are forced to hide their inclinations. An NGO in Bangalore offers them the chance to be themselves.

It is a rain-whipped August evening in Bangalore. In a public auditorium in the heart of the city, five dancers are on stage. The one in the centre holds a burning lamp. The words of the song, playing to a packed audience, assume a special significan ce as a gust of wind blows in, threatening to extinguish the flame.

Silsila yeh chaahat ka, kabhi bujhne na diya… (This business of desire ? I didn?t let it die…)

The song fades, and the lamp still burning brightly, the dancers strike a final pose. The applause is deafening.