New possibilities

Accolades earned as a kid playing Vishnupriya did not prevent Ramesh Das getting abused as he grew older.

Traditionally, folk and classical theatre forms in India have always been out of bounds for women. Consequently, female roles have always been enacted by boys and men. This had, in turn, created a demand for effeminate males who can convincingly port ray female roles taking advantage of their trans-sexual identity and cross-dressing preferences.

As a general rule, young, effeminate village boys are picked up and trained by masters in highly exaggerated female mannerisms, which very soon grow to be the hallmark of these individuals. Very few such boys overcome all this and grow to be normal men once puberty sets in. The fact that many fail to develop their secondary sexual characteristics marks them out socially. A good number continue to revel in their transgender mannerisms, and end up confused.