Attention, Eddie Izzard Fans – Posted by Regina Hackett

With Bette Davis eyes and a blokey build, Eddie Izzard doesn’t look as if he imitates squirrels.

And yet, telling a childhood story of hiding makeup in a tree hole, his big blues become furtive and his square jaw softens. Presto, he’s a small rodent who finds the glamorous stash and experiments with the lipstick.

“Squirrels eat with both hands,” he says, holding his tight hands like cupped paws, “and then they look up, wondering if they left the gas on.”

Izzard (iz-ARD) is riding a comic wave of his own invention. Without backup writers, scripts or a plan worthy of the name, he has rocketed from counterculture kook in London to international big deal on the strength of his motor mouth, timing, nerve and intelligence.