TransOhio Book Drive & TransOhio Unity Picnic Reminder
Got Books?
TransOhio is seeking your old books! We’re currently interested in books written by transgender writers, or written about transgender issues and people. And remember, transgender is an umbrella term, so, we also want books about drag kings/queens, cross-dressers, gender queer people and identities, etc!
All books collected by TransOhio will be donated to the library at The Center on High (Stonewall Columbus).
To setup a time that we can pickup your books, email us at
Books can also be brought to monthly transgender groups and the TransOhio Unity Picnic on Saturday, June 9th.
TransOhio Unity Picnic is this weekend!
Weather forecast for Saturday: High 79 with sun and clouds with a thunderstorm possible.
12pm-5pm at Goodale Park in the Short North (Near playground equipment, shelter).
120 W. Goodale Blvd, Columbus, OH
Please join us on Saturday, June 9th, 2007 for the TransOhio Unity Picnic! This is open to all Ohio GLBTQI people, friends, family and allies (kids are invited too!)!
We are asking that everybody bring a picnic-type-food to share (and a serving spoon). Also, don’t forget to bring a blanket/chairs for yourself and your guests. Please also bring your own drinks.
If you have specific questions, please contact us at!
Please join TransOhio for this afternoon of fun, food and friends!