Mystery of Gender: What makes us male or female? – By Spero News

How those who believe they were born with the wrong bodies are forcing us to re-examine what it means to be Male and female

To most of us, gender comes as naturally as breathing. We have no quarrel with the “M” or the “F” on our birth certificates, Assistant Managing Editor Debra Rosenberg writes in the May 21 Newsweek cover “The Mystery of Gender” (on newsstands Monday, May 14). But to those who consider themselves transgender, there’s a disconnect between the sex they were assigned at birth and the way they see or express themselves.

Today’s transgender Americans go far beyond the old stereotypes. They are soccer moms, ministers, teachers, politicians, and even young children. Their push for tolerance and acceptance is reshaping businesses, sports, schools and families. It’s also raising new questions about just what makes us male or female.