Transgender Law Deadline Approaching as New Jersey Businesses Watch and Wait – Dr. Jillian T. Weiss

On June 12, 2007, New Jersey Bill S362 will take effect, adding ?gender identity or expression? to the list of classes protected from discrimination. Employers whose actions discriminate against transgender employees may face lawsuits. Difficult compliance issues face human resources officials, including questions like which bathroom to use, how to address co-worker and customer concerns, how to change official records, and insurance coverage of transgender health care.

While this is a relatively new issue, this is not the first law on the subject. Eight states have statutes protecting transgender employees, eleven more states are considering such statutes, and another 15 have court opinions or executive orders on the subject. Almost one hundred U.S. cities have such laws. In addition, 11 of the 37 Fortune 500 companies in NJ already have policies against gender identity discrimination. Many employers have successfully adapted to transgender employees in the workplace. “With proper planning, a gender transition can be a success for both the transgender employee and the organization,” says Dr. Jillian Todd Weiss, Assistant Professor of Law and Society at Ramapo College, who is presenting a workshop on “transgender workplace diversity” for human resource, diversity and legal professionals at Ramapo College of New Jersey on June 27.