– Alan Hustak, The Gazette
Police watch. Denizens of the Main divided on effect of latest security effort
Cameras on the Lower Main are peeping on the people who go to peep shows.
Six video surveillance cameras went into operation Tuesday on St. Laurent Blvd. between Rene Levesque Blvd. and Ste. Catherine St., training an eye on the city’s tenderloin district.
They’re the latest cameras to be installed as part Robot Cam, a pilot project that began three years ago on St. Denis St. in the Latin Quarter. And they are the first to monitor activities on the strip, which has long a hangout for hookers, drug dealers, drag queens and bikers.
Signs warn passers-by at St. Laurent Blvd. and Ste. Catherine St. that they are under television camera surveillance. Montreal police are trying to cut the crime rate along the seedy strip.