A drag? Yes and no

Media.www.VermontCynic.com – Casey Palmer – Cynic Correspondent

Off-Broadway show has actors playing dress-up at UVM

Around 8:15 p.m. an announcer proclaimed, “Should a cell phone go off, the performers will be coming into the audience to shove it up your ass.” Around 250 people crowded the rows closest to the stage, many wearing blue t-shirts that read “Gay? Fine by me.”

In celebration of National Coming Out Week, The Kinsey Sicks, “America’s Favorite Dragapella Beautyshop Quartet,” performed on Tuesday, Oct. 10. The show took place at Ira Allen Chapel, and was free to all. But despite the spectacle’s theme, only one drag queen was present in the crowd.

The Kinsey Sicks consists of four drag queens/actors/comedians who have been performing a cappella-based satirical pieces for over a decade. The Sicks have toured the nation, hitting up such venues as the Las Vegas Hilton, Studio 54 and Caroline’s Comedy Club on Broadway in New York.