A faux, yet fo real, star turn at Le Chat Noir

BLog.NOLA.com – By David Cuthbert – Theater writer

Brian Peterson has been seen at Le Chat Noir as a Running with Scissors actor on several notable occasions – the passe blanc Sarah Jane in “L’Imitation of Life” and the melodramatic Mom in “The Bad Seed.” He was also part of the revue celebrating the old “My-O-My” female impersonator nightclub on the West End. The latter was an inspiration for his current cabaret act, “Sadie & The Ant in … Just Sing” at Le Chat.

Peterson is very upfront about being Peterson, a young man whose female accouterment goes back in a drawer, shelf and wig stand once the show is over. He is also an entertainer of considerable creativity whose mother used to tell him he lived “in a fantasy world – like it was a bad thing.”