A gender bender of a fishy tale

News.com.au/heraldsun – Babette Francis

The view that humans come in two kinds, male and female, is under challenge if not outdated.

In a rear-guard action, the Fatherhood Foundation launched a booklet, 21 Reasons Why Gender Matters.

Several politicians, including Prime Minister John Howard, dropped in to the launch and more or less agreed humans consist of men and women, and marriage should be between a man and a woman.

However, they are all swimming against the tide. Sex changes are everywhere. Grace Abrams was born a male but has changed to female and complains she can’t get an Australian passport as a female because he was married as a male.

Then 60 Minutes showed a boy who decided, as a two-year-old, that he was really a girl and dressed accordingly. He is now going to have hormones and surgery.