A Transgender-Inclusive ENDA Would Give the Law Some Teeth

CampKC.com – by Jamie Tyroler

This is a column that I would prefer not to write, but I feel that I must. The House of Representatives is considering the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA). Representatives who are in favor of having legal protections in the workforce are deciding whether this should include the transgender community. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) and U.S. Rep. Barney Frank (D., Mass.) have claimed that there isn’t enough support for the transgender-inclusive version of ENDA.

The version of ENDA that Frank believes could pass only covers sexual orientation. Frank did introduce the version of the legislation (H.R. 2015) that covers both sexual orientation and gender identity. It has 171 cosponsors. Missouri representatives who are listed as cosponsors include: Russ Carnahan, William Lacy Clay, and Emanuel Cleaver. U.S. Reps. Dennis Moore and Nancy Boyda of Kansas are also cosponsors. Clay, Cleaver, and Moore signed on to the bill on the day it was introduced – April 24.