All in this together – By Christine Daniels, Times Staff Writer

Two Outfest films see gender reassignment as a group transition.

When Anne met Lea – a very different proposition from “When Harry Met Sally,” on virtually every conceivable level ? the occasion seemed ordinary enough. Anne was the mother of a teenage musical prodigy. Lea was a journalist researching a profile on the girl.

Or so that was the facade, not the first Lea had shown to Anne, as we quickly discover in the film “Another Woman.” Anne senses something familiar about Lea, wondering if the two had previously met, perhaps at a museum.

Facing this line of questioning, Lea appears as if she is about to jump out of her skin. “Maybe I have a double,” Lea says as she abruptly bolts from the table, nervously jams her fists into the pockets of her stylish trench coat, and leaves Anne sitting behind, just as she had done a decade before.