An Evening with Danny Windsor recalls a life in the theater – By Bill Iddings

Most men never worry about having their gowns taken in, much less tripping in the high heels they’re wearing around the kitchen.

Then again, most men have never lent a cup of sugar to Marlene Dietrich, much less had her return the favor five years later.

That, in short, will synopsize “An Evening with Danny Windsor.”

Windsor, a career song-and-dance man who has performed all over the country and overseas and lives in Muskegon, will once again take to his home away from home, the stage, when he appears at the Beardsley Theater Saturday night.

His one-man show, abetted by his good buddy Ron Gossett, in less than two hours will encapsulate Windsor’s life in the theater.

His fervent wish, besides packing the 169-seat theater: “I hope to hell I don’t break my neck walking around on those high heels.”