Anything But Straight: A Drag On ENDA? – Written by Wayne Besen

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and openly gay Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) have declared transgender people a drag on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA). To ensure its passage, they have introduced a non-inclusive bill that would offer job protection only on the basis of sexual orientation – not gender identity. There is a separate employment bill for transgender people, but it has about as much chance of passing as Sen. Larry Craig becoming the ad pitchman for Charmin.

If we could ensure that transgender Americans would be included in a couple of years, the “pragmatic” approach would make sense. However, let’s drop all pretenses and admit that when we talk of an “incremental” approach it is code for at least a fifteen-year increment of time. Furthermore, with campaign seasons getting excruciatingly long, it is always an Election Year – thus a permanent excuse to perpetually exclude transgender people.