Aye to the tiger

Star-eCentral.com – By Kee Hua Chee

Pesona Pictures Waris Jari Hantu (Spirit of the Tiger) examines a little known myth in Negeri Sembilan.

Is horror a formula for box office success these days? The two Pontianak movies produced by Pesona Pictures hauled in a respectable profit of RM1.9 mil.

And their latest movie Waris Jari Hantu raked in RM1mil in just five days of screening. Co-producer and actress Kavita Kaur, is quick to point out that the film is more mystical than horror.

?Waris Jari Hantu has been a hit because I think the mystical theme has captured the imagination of the audience. That combined with the transexual element gives the movie an original twist,? she says.