Best is a tranny magnet

The Sun Online – Richard White – Showbiz Reporter

LUSTY Calum Best has been snogging a transvestite ? without knowing SHE is really a HE.

Ladies? man Calum, 25, played tonsil tennis with 19-year-old ?Gemma? ? real name Anthony Gee ? on a sofa after a London party.

And the pair have exchanged saucy texts in which George Best?s son made it clear he fancies full sex.

But he had no idea that Gemma, who has had a boob job, is still a fella with full wedding tackle.

The Sun broke the grim news yesterday to Celebrity Love Island star Calum ? now in America filming another reality show.

He screamed ?NO!? down the phone when his agent Dave Read called him. And Dave said: ?He can?t believe it. He?s not laughing.?