Bi Guy Blues – By Cam Lindquist

“You know, there is only one thing worse than being straight… it’s being bi!” Everyone laughed, including Byron, who laughed so hard he had to grab for his napkin to contain the Diet Coke coming out of his nose. He had been mid-sip when Sammy started in with his Sunday Brunch stand-up.

It is one of those unspoken, understood events in the chain of life. We go to church, we go to lunch, we order drinks, then food, and while we wait on the food Sammy gives us a 15-minute routine on this or that.

Today the topic was bisexuals, or as Sammy called them; “Gays with training wheels.” Why is it that the lowest form of queer life seems to be the bisexual? With so much diversity underneath the rainbow flag, one would think there are worse things than being bi.

Naomi, one of my favorite drag queens (which says a lot because I am not a huge drag fan) and I got to talking the other night about this topic. Naomi (a.k.a. Randy) is bi, a top when with a man, and a professional drag queen who doesn’t need a day job because he makes more than enough strutting his stuff on stage.